The use of Swahili language by secondary school students in communication clearly indicates
whether there is an effect caused by the first language. This study aimed at finding out how
Kikamba language affects the acquisition of standard Swahili by secondary school students in
Yatta subcounty. Literature has been reviewed to offer various perspectives about the effect of
language one on the acquisition of second language. The objectives of the study were; to
examine how Kikamba affects proper articulation, to examine how Kikamba affects
grammatical agreement in Swahili and to examine how Kikamba affects vocabulary in Swahili.
The target population was secondary school students in Yatta subcounty and Kiswahili
teachers. Questionnaires were used to gather information from students while interviews were
used to gather information from teachers. A total of 1445 students and 30 teachers responded.
Some of the findings included; some Kamba words were similar to Kiswahili words, wrong
pronunciation of Swahili words, some students prefer using kikamba on their free time rather
than Kiswahili, few students spoke fluent Swahili. The researcher concluded that a strategy
that incorporates phonetic knowledge and cultural sensitivity , educators to implement focused
teaching methods that support students comprehension, application and mastery of Swahili
grammar rules, training to be conducted with emphasis on addressing semantic valuations and
promoting the usage of Swahili terminologies. The researcher recommended on
implementation of regular practice sessions focusing on Swahili phonemes that are challenging
to kikamba speaking students, engage students in role playing activities where they can practice
Swahili intonation and stress patterns, incorporate regular drills and practice exercises that
focus on different aspects of verb, conjugation. This study is essential to secondary school
learners and Kiswahili teachers because it illustrates how Kikamba affects Swahili acquisition
as far as grammatical agreement, vocabulary acquisition in Swahili is concerned.