The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of parental involvement on academic
performance at ST. Francis Cheptart Girls High school in Mosoriot town, Nandi County.
The study employed both general and specific objectives to guide its’ investigation. The
general objectives was to explore the impact of parental involvement on academic
performance. Specific objectives included examining how parents level of education,
participation in school activities and financial status influence academic outcomes. It was
hypothesized that greater parental involvement would correlate with improved academic
performance and increase students self-esteem. The study aimed to assess these effects in
the context of student performance in national examination search as KCSE and KCPE.
Data collection method involved the administration of questionnaires and interviews to
gather insights in to the perceived importance and actual impacts of parental involvement
on academic achievement. Chapters four and five of the study presented detailed analysis
of the collected data, providing findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on the
studies out come