The main purpose of this study was to determine the effects of stress on academic performance
among secondary school students in Chesumei Subcounty Nandi County Kenya. The
researcher used these objectives: To identify the specific stressors that significantly impact on
academic performance among secondary school students., To explore the stress coping
mechanism employed by secondary school students, to evaluate the impacts of stress on
academic performance among the secondary school students. The researcher adopted
descriptive survey design, since it was convenient over a large population. Simple random
sampling method was used to acquire the required data. Questionnaires were used to get the
information needed by the researcher. The researcher sought the consent from the respondents,
permission from school management and local authority. The researcher used fischer at al
formular in sample size . A total of 350 respondents were surveyed, with a response rate of
91.4% (320 completed questionnaires). The findings reveal that the majority of participants are
older adolescents (68.75%) aged 15-17, predominantly male (68.75%), and from middle income families (46.87%). Stressors affecting academic performance include academic
pressure (40.62%), financial difficulties (31.25%), and peer pressure (18.75%), with academic
pressure being the most significant. Coping mechanisms employed by students include
engaging in hobbies (40.62%), exercising (31.25%), and sleeping (21.88%). The effects of
stress on academic performance include difficulty concentrating (34.38%), lower grades
(32.81%), and absenteeism (28.12%).The study concludes that academic and financial
pressures are the primary stressorsimpacting students' academic success, with coping strategies
such as hobbies and physical activities playing a crucial role in stress management. It highlights
the need for tailored interventions that consider socio-economic factors and promote effective
stress coping mechanisms. Recommendations include providing targeted academic support,
financial aid, and expanding access to stress management programs, as well as focusing on
improving student concentration and reducing absenteeism.In summary, the findings
underscore the need for comprehensive approaches to mitigate stress among students, fostering
an environment where they can thrive academically and emotionally.The research findings
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