This study aimed to determine the effects of food quality and service environment on
customer repurchase intention at Enashipai Resort in Naivasha Sub-county, Nakuru County,
Kenya. There were many other factors influencing customer repurchase intention but this
study mainly focuses on two factors i.e. food quality and service environment. The targeted
population was 100% guests of the same hotel but from different restaurants in Enashipai
Resort and the sample size was 30 guests. Data collection was done using a questionnaire; the
data collected was then analyzed and presented in frequency tables. The study findings
contribute to the customer repurchase intention in the hotel and their restaurants. Researchers
have found out that the quality of food and service environment helps in ensuring that a
restaurant or a hotel keeps on having positive feedbacks and also many guests and clients
keep on coming back and repurchasing food items and also their services provided. The study
found that respondents strongly agreed that Enashipai Resort had menu which revealed a
variety of food for customers based on their taste and preference, food was tasty and
flavoured which resulted to repurchase intention of customers to either visit the hotel frequent
or on daily basis, food was excellent in terms of portion, aroma, presentation, temperature
and plating. According to the study respondents affirmed that the food order was just in time
with customers being served without any delay. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed
that Enashipai Resort had air quality and its sparkling clean which positively influenced the
customer repurchase intention. The study noted that respondents indicated that the restaurant
environment was appealing, aesthetic, relaxing and comfortable for a repetitive visit.
Respondents agreed that restaurant furniture was comfortable and excellent which had an
effect on the repurchase intention of customers. It was also revealed that Enashipai Resort
had attractive colour and excellent lighting which positively influenced the coming back of
customers. There is need for restaurant to recheck on ways to evaluate customers on food
quality and service environment that will give an appropriate feedback for satisfaction and
improvement to positively influence customers repurchase intention.
Key words: Food Quality, Service Environment, Customer Repurchase Intention