The research project aimed to investigate the effectiveness of open distance learning at Gretsa
University.The research was conducted among undergraduates of Gretsa University.The research
involved questionnaires to explore the satisfaction levels and the impact of open distance learning
on the students.The objectives aimed to evaluate the learning model of students.They also aimed
to analyze the effectiveness of support systes and assesed student satisfaction.Using descriptive
research design helped in identifying variables which could be tested therefore it assisted the
researcher to point out specific variables that impacted student effectiveness which required
further studies.The findings revealed that participants included a mix of genders,ages,and
academic disciplines.Students appreciated the flexibility and convience of accessing course
materias and lectures online.Findings also reveal that adequate support services,such as academic
advising and technical help, contributed to positive experiences.The results were used to inform
effectiveness and challenges experienced in Gretsa University and procedures to ensure highest
satisfaction levels among students.The study recommends enhanced Instructor training which
provides comprehensive training for instructors on effective open distance learning strategies and
the use of digital tools to improve communication and engagement.