The research sought to investigate factors that influenced suicidal acts among youths in Makongeni
Thika west sub- county, Kiambu county. Makongeni town has a population of 75,127 people.
Suicidal acts are common in the town.Suicidal acts among youths has become a problem not only to
the affected family but also to the entire community due to the serious effects on medical care fee,
injuries and death. As a result, the researcher seeks to study the factors influencing suicidal acts
among youths in Thika west sub_county. I was guided by the following objects: To determine the
extent to which land issues influence suicidal acts among youths in Thika west sub_ county.
Secondly, to find out the extent to which marital factors influence suicidal acts among youths in
Thika west sub-county. Thirdly, to examine the extent to which terminal illnesses influence suicidal
acts among youths in Thika west sub- county. Forthly, to determine the extent to which alcoholism
influence suicidal acts among youths in Makongeni Thika west sub-county. Questionnaires for
youths who indulged in suicidal acts to obtain the data for the study. Qualitative and quantitative
methods were used to analyze the data. The major method of committing suicide among youths was
use of pills or overdose. On land issues, landlessness and disputes over land ownership were the
common factors this is because land is a factor of production therefore it has high demand and the
size of land ownership was causing land disputes. In marital affairs, relationship break ups was the
common factor leading to suicidal acts among youths in Melongenid, Thika west sub county because
most of the youths engaged in unhealthy relationship which leaded to issues such as depression and
stress which led to youths committing suicide. On the issue of alcoholism, violence is the major
factor leading to suicidal acts among youths in Makongeni, Thika west sub county. Lastly, terminal
illnesses were also a major cause of suicidal acts among youths in Makongeni, Thika west sub county
which was led by a disease such as HIV\AIDS then cancer and few cases of STD's.