This research project aimed at investigating the effects of bullying to the academic performance
of students in public secondary schools in Abogeta ward Meru County. The study was conducted
to help those who interact or associate with students who suffer the problem of bullying, which
end up affecting their performance academically to be able to solve this problem and prevent it
from happening to any other student. A sample of 178 respondents was selected for the study with
the sample size of 28 teachers and 150 students. Simple random sampling method was employed.
This study used questionnaires as a method of data collection. The various forms of bullying to
students include physical bullying, verbal bullying and social bullying. The research seeked to
provide insights to teachers, school administrators and students’ leaders on the various ways of
bullying of students’ in schools, how it affects their academic performance and how they can put
a halt to students being bullied in schools. The researcher focused on three major forms of bullying
to investigate the effects bullying has on the academic performance of the students. The three
forms of bullying include; physical abuse, verbal abuse and social abuse. Under physical abuse,
the researcher focused on physical violence, damaging of belongings and sexual harassment,
which are the major forms of physical abuse. The study indicated that the highest percentage of
students who suffered physical abuse underwent physical violence, whereby the victims suffered
injuries, burns and fractures. This affected the academic performance of students in that the
students who suffered physical abuse had to skip classes and school to go and seek medical
attention. As a result of them skipping the classes, they ended up missing a lot of classroom content
and ended up performing poorly academically. Under verbal abuse, the researcher focused on
name calling and body shaming. In this form of abuse, the victims ended up being affected
psychologically and mentally whereby their self esteem and confidence ended up being lowered
and they lost focus in their studies and later ended up performing poorly academically. Under
social abuse, the researcher focused on exclusion from social groups and the use of threatening
gestures. In the case of exclusion from social groups, the victims were being excluded or denied
the freedom of interacting with others. As a result, the students ended up trying to do things that
would please the bullies. In that process of trying to please them, they ended up shifting their
attention to doing other things and forgetting their books. This therefore leads to them performing
poorly academically. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher made the
following recommendations; clear policies should be established, regular workshops and seminars
should be conducted to educate students and staff about bullying, it's impacts and how to prevent
it, counselling and support should be provided for victims of bullying. Also, the researcher
recommended that a positive school culture should be created by promoting values of kindness,
acceptance and cooperation.