This study looks at how pastoralism impact learning in Kacheliba constituency. The goal was to
figure out what can be done to help. The research was to understand why learning in this area was
not doing well, and if it was to do with the pastoralism. To do this, the research focused on five
primary schools and three secondary schools in Kacheliba constituency. The main goal was to
investigate how pastoralism affects learners in a pastoral community. The study was grounded on
a conceptual framework that provide the independent variable as pastoralism and the dependent
variable as learners. This study employed a case study approach where primary data was collected
through interviews and filling of questionnaires. The data collected was organized into different
categories based on the research objectives and presented this data using graphs, tables, maps, and
pie charts to make it easier to understand. The research found out that there was a relationship
between the pastoralism and learners since there was absenteeism, learners’ performance and
learners dropping out of school along the way to engage in pastoral activities. Pastoralism in
Kacheliba is caused by things like cultural norms and traditions, nomadic lifestyle (moving around
a lot), poverty, gender disparities, conflict and insecurity and also livelihood priorities. These
makes it difficult to go to school.