This research investigates the emerging challenges affecting farming in the process of
improving smart farming as well as getting quality yields. Using the smart system lets
maximize output while minimizing input. Current IoT technology has widely improved
crop production from the manual strenuous old farming to smart farming through the
use of IoT technological tools which are used to support the work on the farm, such
tools include robots, sensor integrated with analytical tools for monitoring the farm.
These systems can manage the surveillance in and around the home as well as who has
access to the farm gates if they are equipped with smart locks. IoT in smart farming
aims to increase efficiency, reduce resource wastage and ultimately improve overall
agricultural productivity. The smart farming techniques in IoT leverage connected
devices to enhance agricultural practices. The research was conducted in Kiambu
county and used questionnaires to obtain respondents from various companies. The
objectives concerned in this chapter is to examine the impact of IoT sensors on
horticultural farming in Kiambu; determine the best real time guidance and leg
requirements in horticultural farming; examine IoT sensors, data analytics and decision
support in the application of IoT techniques on various farms. The research used
questionnaire research design and purposive sampling techniques. This research
explores the transformative journey of traditional farming practices to a technologically
advanced landscape, focusing on the integration of internet of things. Through this
research implementation of IoT devices to enhance crop management resource
utilization and overall agricultural efficiency is achieved. It also included a targeted
population of 60 farmers but only 16 farmers will be sampled. While conducting
research the following problems were experienced; many farmers in Kiambu county
embraced the old way of farming; accepting of this new IoT computer-based skills was
quiet challenging. The study found out that there was positive relationship between data
analytics and application of IoT technology and descriptive analysis included a positive
relationship among the research