This research sought to examine the influence of drug abuse on students' academic performance
in public secondary schools in Marsabit County. Specifically, the study established the effects
of drugs as a contributing factor to poor performance by students in Marsabit County.
Substance use among college and secondary students was predicted to contribute to substance related problems in later life. Few studies on this phenomenon had been carried out in schools
in rural areas, with most focusing on urban secondary school students. This study aimed to
establish the prevalence and factors associated with drug use among secondary students in a
rural area. The target population was 6000 respondents, consisting of secondary school
administrators and 6000 students in Marsabit County. The sample size was 200 respondents,
comprising 6 secondary school administrators and 200 students. Data was collected using
questionnaires, interviews, and supplemented by personal interviews where necessary. Data
analysis was done using descriptive statistics after data cleaning and coding. Quantitative data
was analyzed using frequency counts, means, and percentages, while qualitative data was
analyzed by tallying the numbers of similar responses. Results of data analysis were presented
using frequency distribution tables and bar graphs.