dc.description.abstract |
The worldwide health sector is affected by various factors that can hinder or promote the
performance of health services being delivered. Imenti North sub-county was used for the
research. The objectives of the study were; To assess whether availability of healthcare
resources affect performance of quality health services to the community in Imenti North,
sub-county To evaluate if human resources affects performance of quality health services
to the community in Imenti North, sub-county To determine whether availability of funds
for healthcare affecting the performance of quality health services to the community in
Imenti North sub-county.Target population was 2050 people within Imenti North sub county and samples size of the study will be 245 people; 230 patients and 15 healthcare
professionals. The study used descriptive research design and simple random sampling will
be used to sample 12 hospitals. Healthcare professionals were sampled using purposive
sampling and patients were selected using simple random sampling from the sampled
hospitals. The study used questionnaires guide and interview schedule to collect data. The
collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The researcher found out that
healthcare resources in the established facilities were well distributed but the healthcare
facilities were not evenly distributed in the sub-county. The researcher also established that
the workload was too much for the existing healthcare professionals. Funding and
motivation of healthcare professionals were not even due to corruption and embezzlement.
The researcher, therefore, recommended that; Balance the number of healthcare facilities
in the sub-county, give the same amount of motivation to all healthcare professionals,
corrupt leaders are sued and found guilty all their accounts should freeze and money should
be used to improve health services, the county government should also improve
infrastructure and implement policies to ensure accountability and transparency when
handling public funds. |
en_US |