The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between the study skills and academic
performances among students in public secondary schools in Thika Sub-County, Kiambu County.
This will be guided by the following objectives: to establish the study skills, to examine the academic
performance among public secondary school students and to establish the influence of study skills
factors on students’ academic performance. This research will be guided by self-regulated theory by
Zimmerman and Schunk (2001, 2011). The study will use descriptive research design. The study
population will be 63 principles 1260 teachers 8500 learners and a simple random sample of 5
schools. The research instrument's used are questionnaires with will be divided into different sections.
Content validity will be used to examine each questionnaire item in turn and compare the contents. To
gauge item reliability the test rates method will be used. Principals, students and teachers who will be
selected for the piloting will be given questionnaires twice, separated by two weeks for data collection
which will produce both qualitative and quantitative data. The data collected will then be analyzed
using SPSS software.