The purpose of this study was to find out effects of COVID19 on special needs education
retention in three select special needs schools namely, Joytown, S.t Patrick’s and Thika school
for the blind in Thika Sub-county, Kiambu county-Kenya. The study was guided by research
questions which were used to examine the effects of COVID19 pandemic on special needs
education. Specific objectives which guided this study were to establish the extent to which
funding affected special needs education retention, to examine the weather assistance from key
stakeholders affected special needs education and to investigate how provision of necessary
services affected special needs education. The target population of this study was 157 teachers
and 105 caregivers and 2100 students. The special needs schools were selected using
convenience sampling, because the schools were easily accessible and also within the researchers’
reach and locality. We considered the resources available for conducting the study in terms of
time, finances and the means of transport. Snowballing was used to get the parents and some
learners who were in a position to respond to the questionnaires and interviews. Teachers were
selected using random sampling in the assumption that each would provide reliable data. Data
was collected using questionnaires, phone interviews, one on one interview and observations.
The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (bar graphs, pie-charts and frequency
distribution tables). The findings in this research will help in adding more information to the
existing one on similar topics and it will also be of much help to researchers aspiring to carry out
research in the same topic. The outcome was helpful to the non-governmental organizations
working with the special needs education and also to the Kenya institute of special education to
provide better educational services and the necessary help to the special needs education schools
during this pandemic time. The information of the research also helped the relevant ministries
that help in funding of special needs education to provide enough funds to the schools