The number of data points predicted correctly out of the total data points is known as accuracy in image
classification models. Assessment of the accuracy is very important since it compares the correct images to the
ones that have been classified by the image classification models. Image classification accuracy is a challenge
since image classification models classify images to the class they don’t belong to hence there is an inaccurate
relationship between the predicted class and the actual class which results in a low model accuracy score.
Therefore, there is a need for a model that can classify the images with the highest accuracy. The paper presents
image classification models together with the feature extraction methods used to classify maize disease images.
The researcher used an augmented maize leaf disease dataset obtained from the Kaggle website. Features are
extracted from maize disease images and passed to the machine learning classification algorithm to identify the
possible disease based on the features detected using the feature extraction method. The maize disease images
used include images of common rust, leaf spot, and northern leaf blight and healthy images. An evaluation was
done for the feature extraction methods and the outcomes revealed Histogram of Oriented Gradients performed
best with classifiers compared to KAZE and Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF. The experimental outcome
also indicated that the Artificial Neural Network model had the highest accuracy of 0.82 compared to Logistic
Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Linear Support Vector Classifier, Decision Tree, and
Support Vector Machine.