Over thousands of years, buying and selling has been conducted using the available tools and technologies. Such technologies and
tools have been evolving over the many years. Today, the customer is rapidly changing in terms of behavior and needs. The
objective of this study was to establish the effects of socio-cultural online trends on adoption of digital marketing among
universities in Kenya. Many studies have been done on digital marketing and on most of the factors influencing adoption of digital
marketing: Also studies have been done on socio-cultural online trends. However, there is a substantial gap in studies seeking to
test the causation between socio-cultural online trends and adoption of digital marketing. There is a substantial gap in studies
seeking to test the causation between economic trends and adoption of digital marketing. The methodology and philosophy of this
study is guided by logical Positivism. This research therefore adopted a combination of correlational and descriptive. Findings
indicated that internet communication, linguistic tools and styles and mobile and online language oblige respondents to engage in
digital marketing. However, there was a week agreement to the insinuation that there are enough individual and organizational
social actors to drive the digital marketing agenda among universities.